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Ram Roofing

Everything You Need to Know About Roof Inspections

Roof inspections are a critical part of the home inspection process, and they provide a valuable service to both homeowners and their insurance providers. With professional inspection and roof repair in Urbandale, you can avoid potential structural issues that could lead to accidents or costly repairs in the future.  In addition, you’ll learn what kind of maintenance your roof needs to remain in good condition. Most homeowners neglect roof maintenance and will start to panic when the problem becomes apparent.

What Does Roof Inspection Entail?

A roof inspection is the process of inspecting the condition of a building’s roofing materials, mechanical components, and general structure. This is done by someone who has received specialized training in building inspections. The purpose of a roof inspection is to analyze the condition of a roofing installation and determine any necessary repairs or replacements.

A roof inspection can be done in three distinct stages:

-Structural survey

-Roof condition analysis

-Roof rehabilitation

The experts will identify any structural defects that are present. From there, an analysis of the condition of the roof is done to determine which level of repair service is necessary for it to function properly. Finally, once the repairs have been completed, the roofing contractor will perform a final inspection to ensure that our customers feel confident in their restored roof.

When Should Carry Out a Roof Inspection?

It can sometimes be difficult to know when to call for a professional inspection, but there are many red flags that will indicate it’s time to take action. If you know the warning signs, it’s easier to decide that the time is right to hire a roofing inspector.

Most often, a roof inspection will be an annual event; your insurer will usually require that you get an annual inspection. However, if there were any incidents that affected your roof prior to your last inspection, it’s usually best to call for one sooner rather than later. Events like water leaks or storms may warrant an early visit.

Inspecting the Roof Yourself Vs. Hiring a Professional

Everybody has their own reasons for doing the work themselves.  Perhaps it’s the feeling of independence, avoiding an expensive contract, or even a conscious effort to keep costs down. But are these really worth it? After all, if you were to hire a professional to inspect your roof instead, they would be sure to point out any potential issues before they become serious problems.

On the other hand, if you were to perform an inspection on your roof by yourself, you may fail to notice other problems that are more difficult to spot. For example, a professional would be able to inspect the entire roof thoroughly to identify any holes or leaks that may have developed after rain or hail storms. If you were to do this yourself, you would only be able to check the obvious areas for leaks.

Can You Do a Roof Inspection on Your Own?

The answer is, of course, it depends on a couple of factors. For example, if it’s a shingle or tile, you can inspect yourself. As long as you are diligent in taking visual measurements and noting any obvious problems – like missing shingles or cracked tiles – then you may be qualified to spot potential problems.

But, if you’re dealing with, for example, flat roofing materials, like single-ply membranes or built-up roofs, then that’s not something anyone should attempt unsupervised.

Why? Because the consequences of not doing things just right are dire. And if you get it wrong – for instance, you puncture a membrane while performing an inspection – the consequences could be even worse than just another leaky roof. You could wind up with an environmental hazard on your hands. The riskier the type of roof, the more careful the homeowner needs to be when inspecting it.

You can’t gauge for yourself whether there are gaps in the installation, how far out water may soak through, or if particular edges are susceptible to erosion. That’s why we always encourage you to get in touch with an experienced professional for the installation.

Benefits of Professional Roof Inspection

Roof Inspection is an important component of any roofing system. Unfortunately, many people do not inspect their roofs as often as necessary. It is essential for ensuring the health and safety of your household. The inspection’s objective is to identify any defects, missing components, or problem areas. These can include:

  • Cracks in the metal or surface material
  • Dents in the roof decking, siding, and fascia panels
  • Damaged shingle nails and cracked shingle pockets

Many people are surprised when they get to the point of needing to repair or replace their roofs. This is often because the problem wasn’t visible until later; maybe something happened that just made it worse or issues were fixed piecemeal over time rather than being fixed once. Fixing your roof can be a major expense, so knowing what needs fixing before you have to spend the money is important.

Avoid Issues Down The Road

While it’s obviously important to do regular maintenance on your roof to make sure it’s in great shape, you also want to make sure that there are no problems that need fixing. A roof inspection will usually identify issues that you might not notice when you look at the house or even the attic.

Homeowners who haven’t had a roof inspection might think they have a great, strong roof. It is also not uncommon for a roof inspection to reveal that there are problems with the roof even if the homeowner’s gut instinct is that it’s in good shape.

 If you’re going to spend money on repairs or a replacement, you want to make sure that you’re spending it on something that needs attention. You also want to make sure your money is going toward the right fixes. For a roofing contractor you can trust, check out

Ram Roofing

8515 Douglas Ave #19 

Urbandale Iowa 50322

(515) 517-8501

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